Jornal Electrónico do Agrupamento de Escolas de São Bernardo







Trabalho do 9º C


Class survey – holidays ranking

COAST – 13 students

CITY – 10 students

COUNTRY – 6 students

What can we do?

At the coast we can go to the beach, swim in the sea, relax, sunbathing, play sea and radical sports, enjoy the sun, make sandcastles and go to beach parties.

At the city we can go to the shopping centre and to the cinema, go out at night, play sports and computer games, visit monuments and museums, meet new people, take photos.

At the country we can rest, walk, sleep, relax, have adventures, ride a bike or a horse, contact with nature, see and play with the animals, camping, read, play sports, have a calmer life, collect flowers, breath fresh air.

Class: 9th C

Teacher: Carla Serra

Palavras Cruzadas sobre Alimentação

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Hoje é o “Dia Mundial da Alimentação”